Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I baked a plate of cookies this afternoon. They're almost all gone! What is it about boys and eating! My pair of sons can demolish a day's work in the kitchen in less than twenty minutes! They're little whirlwinds of eating, those two.

Not to say I didn't enjoy a few myself. Oh well, my friend Monica and I will take our walk tomorrow morning...maybe I'll burn a few off. We do go on a pretty hilly trail.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Wonderful Gift!

I just received a wonderful gift!!! Even though it's not my birthday, my husband surprised me with a beautiful ruby ring. He knows how much I hate diamonds (after what I read about those mines, definitely not THIS girl's best friend) and also knows how much I love the color red, and he surprised me with this gem (literally!)!!!

I was so shocked and happy, I couldn't even put my feelings into words. I promise to wear this ring as long as I live, because not only is it beautiful, but it symbolizes my husband's feelings for me, which is fantastic.

I got to hang out with my two sons together today (a rare treat!). The boys and I went out to lunch. I insisted on paying although Kyle put up a good fight. We went to Chevy's, and enjoyed a nice plate of nachos. I did celebrate a bit too much with my "grande" sized margarita--good thing Kyle has his driver's license!

It's a beautiful day, and I'm going to go bask in the afterglow of the setting sun. Adieu!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Feeling young

Oh, what I wouldn't give to feel young again. Just to have energy to run around like my sons do. I've been looking into some ways to do it: proper exercise, changes in diet, hormone treatments like the one in Palm Springs with Edmund Chein (I ran across on old issue of my husband's Esquire and read an interesting article about it...unfortunately it's not exactly in my neck of the woods.) I don't really want to go around eating seaweed, either. What's an (old) girl to do?

One thing that always makes me feel young is giving my parents a call. They still treat me like a little kid, which I at times appreciate, and at other times that long-gone adolescent inside of me rears up and rebels like they've just told me they're taking away my phone privileges. What is it about parents that always makes me feel so....youthfully impatient?

Maybe I should be grateful for my years and not try to hide from them behind a hydrating mask and botox...then again, maybe not.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Living Room

Well, I finally finished decorating the living room. I used "sea colors" like kelp green, ocean blue, coral....coral, and the effect is just...spectacular. At my age, my husband was surprised to see me climbing up and down a ladder, let alone renovating an entire section of the house.

I'll attribute my energy today to a great deal of Folger's coffee, but I know that isn't good for me. Sometimes, though, I just love to be active! I've taken up mountain biking with my son, but every time I finish a long ride, my lower back is killing me! My young son Kyle, of course, feels no pain, and I find myself feeling jealous of his endurance! Oh, these aging bones...

In other news, took the family out to celebrate after a great baseball game for Marcus' team. Marcus was the star of the show: he was the catcher and he, well, caught! He caught every ball that came his way, and I couldn't be prouder. Where did we go? Why, KFC, of course! Not the healthiest, that's for sure. My stomach feels a little upset, to tell the total truth...